PRESENT:                   Mr H Rolfe (Chairman) Mr R Shapland,

                                    Mr C Drake, Mr B Graves, Mrs C Purnell

                                    and Mr R Sneller.

                                    Mr C Duncton (County Councillor)       

                                    Mrs E Lintill (District Councilllor)

                                    Mrs J Duncton (District Councilllor)



CLERK:                       Mrs J Huggett.                  



1.         Apologies were received from Mr I Brooks and Mrs S Greenwell.   The Clerk said Mr and Mrs Duncton are at a meeting in Chichester and hope to be here around 8.00 pm.




            The Chairman said he would like a proposer and seconder to ratify the appointment of Mr Brooks as Vice-Chairman.  This was proposed by Mrs Purnell, seconded by Mr Sneller, and on a vote unanimously agreed.




            The minutes of the Annual meeting held on Monday 19th May, having been circulated, it was  proposed by Mr Drake, seconded by Mr Graves, that they be passed and signed.




            (a)   Bus Shelter at The Harrows:  Mr Sneller said the Council had received a grant from the County Council for 50% of the cost.  The Clerk has obtained the necessary �10 million public liability insurance, and he is now waiting for the official documentation.  The owners of the house behind have agreed to the shelter going onto their land.  He hopes it will be installed within the next 2 - 4 weeks, he will meet the contractors on site.


            (b)   Church Wall and Embankment:   The Chairman said following his letter to the Chairman of the County Council he had received a short reply back from him saying that County had no record of ever having carried out repairs to the wall or embankment. They did not know who owned the land, and did not repair private property. The Chairman said he has asked Mr Fergusson to look into the matter of ownership and let him know whether the Church claims ownership of the embankment or has any record of having carried out repairs to it in the past.




            There were no members of the public present.


It was agreed that Mrs Lintill will give the District Council's report now and Mr Duncton will be asked to speak for the County Council when he arrives.




            District Council 

            Mrs Lintill said this is a quiet time of the year and she didn�t have much to say.


            Public Conveniences:  The contract for looking after the public conveniences is up for tender.


            Community Action Chest:  As yet there are no firm details but there will be a pot of money available for local action teams to apply for, ie. to help implement items in the action plan.  There will obviously be various terms and conditions, it will be linked to community activity, on the portfolio level of Discretionary Grants, and the maximum grant available will be �1,000.  As soon as she has full details she will let the Clerk know.


            St Richard�s Hospital:   The Leader of the Council has written supporting the referral to the Secretary of State for Health, Mr Alan Johnson.


            Coastal Defence Strategy: This does not affect this parish but would be of interest to those from here who go to the beach. 


            Church Wall:   Referring to the discussion on the church wall she said she will talk to members of St Mary�s in Petworth and see if she could find anything out through them.




            The Chairman said the Clerk had received a letter from Mr Nick Blunt asking to be considered as a Parish Councillor.  The Clerk said as there was no Parish Magazine in August she had only been able to advertise the vacancy on the four notice boards and questioned how many parishioners had seen it.  After a discussion it was agreed that a notice should be put in the September magazine with a closing date of Monday 15th September.  A meeting of Councillors will be called after the closing date, and prior to the Parish Council meeting on 29th, to interview applicants.





            As Mrs Greenwell, who lives at River, was not present this item will be discussed at the next meeting.


9.         FINANCE


            (a)    End of Year Accounts to March 2008

                    In Mrs Greenwell�s absence Mr Graves presented the accounts which had previously been circulated.  He said the figures had changed since they had been circulated as the Clerk had made few changes as follows:


                    (The Clerk apologised for not bringing further copies with her but has since sent them to all Councillors)



                    Interest Received

                    The interest from the PO Repairs and Renewals account was omitted - �185.84.

                    PO Repairs and Renewals Fund

                    This has been deleted as the �3,177 should not have been recorded as income.


                    Recreation Ground

                    Due to an error in addition this should be �5,426 and not �5,726.


                    Total:  Excess of Expenditure over Income is now �2,848.99.


                     The Parish Council spending was within budget as the over-spend was on maintenance and repairs, and covered by the Repairs and Renewals Fund held with the Post Office.  An annual amount (�700 this year) is now being added to this fund as a matter of good practice.


                     Mr Sneller proposed that the accounts be adopted, this was seconded by Mr Shapland and unanimously agreed.


            (b)   Internal Audit:  The Clerk said as Mr Drake is now a Parish Councillor she had been unable to ask his wife to carry out the Internal Audit this year.  Mrs Janet Davidson had stepped in and the accounts had been signed ready to go to the External Auditor.


            (c)   Bank Signatory:  The Clerk referred to item 7 of the Finance meeting minutes. Following Mr Larkin�s resignation the committee had put forward Mr Graves as his replacement and she asked Councillors for their ratification.  This was unanimously given.


            (d)   Minutes:   The minutes of the Finance meeting held on 10th July having being circulated, it was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Mrs Purnell that they be passed. 


As Mr and Mrs Duncton had arrived it was agreed to ask Mr Duncton to give his report.




            County Council

            Mr Duncton apologised for being late and said he had the following to report.


            Schools:  All primary schools threatened with closure are to stay open.  The concern now is what will happen to the Herbert Shiner now the pupils are moving to Easebourne in September, although part of it maybe incorporated into the Primary School.  Although it is thought the proposed Academy will be in Midhurst this has still not been finally confirmed.


            Lorry Route:  The installation of the signage has been delayed, Atkins, the contractors, say there is a six weeks hold up.


            Pitshill: The District Council will be meeting to discuss this on 15th October, but the County Council won�t make any comment until possibly into the new year.


            CLC Meetings:  The afternoon session had been very successful with a good number of people turning up to meet Counillors, the police and fire authorities.  The 5.00 pm meeting had been badly attended with only 12 people present.  The Chairman said he was sure the reason was because it was changed from an evening meeting, neither he nor the Clerk could attend at the earlier time.


            DoRiS:  Funding from government has ceased so it is no longer a �demand/response� service, but a few of the routes have been taken up by other bus companies.


            National Park:  The enquiry has now closed and nothing further has been heard.


10.       PLANNING


            Pitshill:  In Mr Brooks absence, Mrs Purnell said the Planning committee had recently met to discuss the latest Pitshill proposals, and as could be seen from the minutes the vote was not unanimous.  Mr Slade, an agent working for the District Council, was asking the Parish Council for comments on the proposed diversion by 4h August, and it was therefore agreed that this should come to full Council.  Mr Brooks had asked her to express his views in favour of the diversion.  The Clerk said that as he and Mrs Greenwell are not present neither his views, nor Mrs Geenwell�s were they known, could be taken into account when a vote took place.


            A discussion took place on the pros and cons of the existing and proposed new footpath at the end of which the Chairman took a vote, 3 for, 3 against the new proposals.  Mr Graves said this was not a true result as the Planning committee had been in favour.  Last time the Parish Council had voted unanimously in favour, as were the majority of letters received.  The Chairman said it is quite clear from the Planning committee minutes that the decision was to be made by the full Council.  Mr Graves said that Mr Brooks� views are known and as the Council were unanimous last time Mrs Greenwell must also be in favour.  The Chairman said it didn�t necessarily follow as Mrs Greenwell could have been absent from the meeting.


            After further discussion it was finally agreed that the Chairman draft a letter, e-mail it to all Councillors asking for their comments and, once it is agreed, the Clerk will send it off.


            (Clerk's Note:  This was done, and the letter sent in time to meet the deadline of 4th

            August 2008.)




            Cart Shed:  This is being pursued with Nick Blunt.


            Pavilion Roof Tiles:  Mr Shapland said short of taking off the roof tiles this will never be right.  The original builder should have fixed each slate with two nails and this had not been done.


            Recreation Ground Water Pipes:  The Chairman said that Jumbo Taylor can't remember where all the pipes go underground.  Where he had mended the leak the pipe had been rusted through.  After a short discussion it was agreed that the Chairman write to Mr Anthony Dickenson asking for the Estate's  advice and help.


            Sheds:  Following the break-in at the sheds the Chairman said he had proposed to go to Halnaker and get a metal bar, similar to the one on the existing shed, for the new one, but the design of the shed is causing him problems.   Mr Shapland said he was sure this could be overcome and he would meet him there to look at it.


            The Causeway:  Mrs Purnell said her husband is meeting Mr Peter Henry from Highways next Wednesday morning at 10.00 am to look at the Causeway.




            Covered under item 11.




            The Clerk said she only had one item to raise.


            Chichester District Council Volunteer Awards 2008:  The Clerk asked if anyone knew of a person or organisation who they would like to put forward.   There were no nominations.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55 pm.