A neat village and parish in Rotherbridge Hundred, Midhurst Union and Arundel rape, West Sussex, 1 mile from Petworth, on the main road to Midhurst.  The church is a neat structure; the interior is tastefully fitted up, and contains several handsome monuments.  The living is a rectory in the presentation of Colonel George Wyndham; the incumbent is the Rev Robert Ridsdale.  Here is a National school.  The population, in 1851 was 982, and the number of acres, 3,766.  There are two almshouses for aged labourers, built in 1738 endowed with �20 per annum each, by Colonel George Wyndham.

Boyle Charles John, esq
Ridsdale Rev. Robert (incumbent)
Tooth Mr, Edward
Veal Richard Minchell, esq
Ayling Elena W (Mrs), frmr Coxlnd fm
Bridger Charles, grocer and postmaster
Chalwin Charles, �Horse Guards�
Colebrook Georg, frmr Netherland fm
Edwards Riichard, farmer River cottge
Farhill John Mauldrett, frmr, River fm
Johnson Mary (Miss), schoolmistress
Newland William, farmer Stanland fm
Puttick Jas, farmer, Rotherbridge frm
Saunders John & Son, frmers, South fm
Skeet Henry, National school master
Wakeford James, carpenter & builder
Weeks William, watchmaker
Wiggins Richard, farmer Soakholes fm

Letters received through Petworth � past  7 a.m.; dispatched at � past 7 p.m.
The nearest money order office is at Petworth.

Transcribed from KELLY�S DIRECTORY OF SUSSEX 1890

the �Talinstone� of Domesday, is a village and parish, situated on the main road from Petworth to Midhurst, 1 mile west of Petworth, 2� miles from Petworth Station on the London, Brighton and South Coast railway and 5 miles east of Midhurst, in the North Western division of the county, Rotherbridge hundred, Arundel rape, Midhurst Union.  Petworth petty sessional division and county court district, rural deanery of Midhurst (third division) and archdeaconry and diocese of Chichester.  The church of All Hallows, occupying the site of an earlier structure erected in the 12th century, is an ancient edifice of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, west porch and lofty eastern tower with pinnacles containing 3 bells, and has several ancient brasses and some fine monuments: the royal arms in this church bear date 1661, and have the initials C.R. : there are 240 sittings, 120 being free.  The register dates from the year 1572.  The living is a rectory , net yearly value from tithe rent-charge �436, with residence and 23 acres of glebe, in the gift of Lord Leconfield and held since 1876 by the Rev. George Martin Straffen M.A. Christ�s College, Cambridge.  The rectory garden is remarkable for its noble trees. There are two almshouses for aged labourers, founded by deed in 1840, and endowed with �22 yearly each by the late Lord Leconfield: two members of the Styles family left the interest of �100 now augmented to �250, to be given away in bread to the poor of this parish : this charity produces �8. 7s. 2d. a year.  Pitshill, the seat of Captain William Kenyon Mitford J.P. is a substantial mansion occupying a very beautiful site, and was erected in 1760 by William Mitford, of Petworth, and completed by his son in 1794: here is preserved the silver bedside clock or watch given to Mr. (afterwards Sir) Thomas Herbert by King Charles I on his way to the scaffold, and some writing tablets of ivory, encased in chased silver covers, also used by the King, besides other relics.  Sir Thomas Herbert, created a baronet at the Restoration, attended the unfortunate monarch during his captivity, and wrote the well-known �Threnodia Carolina� an account of the two last years of the King�s life.  Lord Leconfield, who is lord of the manor and Captain William Kenyon Mitford J.P. are the chief landowners.  The soil is light : subsoil, gravel and sandstone. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.  The area is 3,791 acres of land and 25 of water : rateable value , �4,824 : the population in 1881 was 886.
UPPERTON is a hamlet 1 mile north.  RIVER is a small hamlet in the western part of the parish.

Parish Clerk, Joseph Pescod
POST OFFICE  -  Joseph  Pescod, receiver.  Letters received through Petworth at 7 a.m. & 12 noon: dispatched at 10.15 & 7 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Petworth.

WALL LETTER BOX at Upperton cleared 6.15 p.m. : Sunday 1.15p.m.
National School (mixed & infants), built in 1838, for 100 children, average attendance, 89 : infants for 50 children, average attendance, 36 : these schools have an endowment of �13. 15s a year, arising from a sum of �500 in Consols; William Fawcett, master; Alice Bruton, infants mistress.

Batty, Edward
Colebrook, James Woodhouse
Dasent, Mrs
Death, Henry
Eastwood, Henry C, Tillington cottage
Hardings, Mrs, Tillington house 
Ireland, Maurice, River House
Jobson, Thomas Robert, Standlands
Milton, Mrs, Hill top

Mitford Capt, Wm Kenyon J.P. Pitshill
Skinner Lt-Col, Theodre Hy, Tillington hl
Smith, Peter, Upperton
Starling, Mrs, River cottage
Straffen Rev. Geo Martin M.A. Rectory

Adsett Charles, farmer
Baker Henry, carpenter
Baker Jane (Miss), dress maker  
Barham Edward, farmer
Barham William (Mrs), farmer 
Batty Edward, artist 
Bennett James, farmer, South Dean frm 
Boughton  Charles, farmer, valuer and land agent, Netherlands
Bridger William, farmer, River
Bryder William, carpenter
Budd Rhoda (Mrs), sweet shop
Chennells Henry, Gardener to Captain Mitford J.P. Pitshill  
Clark George, farmer, Salmon�s bridge
Colebrook Jas, farmer, Soakenholes fm
Elliott Edwin J, farmer, Rotherbridge
Elliott John Wood, farmer, Grittenham
Haslett Mary Ann (Mrs), grocer & baker, Upperton
Jobson Thomas Robert, agent to Capt Mitford J.P. Standlands
Johns Alfred, gamekeeper to Capt Mitford J.P. Pitshill
King Alfd, Queens Head PH, Upperton
King Hoard, farmer, River frm
Knight John, builder, Upperton
Lee Caroline (Mrs), market gardener, River
Leggett Albert, chimney sweeper
Lintoft John, farmer, Nithurst
Older Charles, farmer, Upperton
Packer George, blacksmith, Little com
Packer John, farmer, Lodge farm
Pescod Jsph, boot & shoe ma, Post office
Pratt John, market gardener, River
Pyecroft Sophia (Mrs), Horse Guards PH.
Seldon James, River farm
The Old Post Office, Tillington
Pitshill - now undergoing extensive restoration
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