


Village Organisationsmm



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Tillington enjoys a wide range of clubs and organisations to suit all tastes.  Some of these are listed below under the categories CHURCH, SPORT, SOCIAL and EDUCATION.  For further details of any of the organisations listed please e-mail the Post Master.


Bellringers The Bellringers at All Hallows, Tillington have five bells, the largest weighing six cwt (30kg)and three are dated 1572, 1622, and 1651 respectively.  The group rings for all services and also for weddings, etc, on request.  Currently we are rather short of ringers and therefore would welcome anyone who would like to learn to ring. Why not come and try this fascinating hobby with a very sociable and friendly group.  We welcome all visitors, ringers and non-ringers, to the bell tower.

Practice is always on a Wednesday evening for about an hour from 7.45pm.


Prayer Groups The Women's Prayer Group meets around the kitchen table at the Old Rectory, Tillington every Friday afternoon between 5.30 and 6.30pm. We talk over a cup of tea and pray together for the Church, for Tillington and any other needs and concerns that have arisen at home or worldwide.  It is very informal and everyone is welcome.

The Men's Group meets regularly at 5.30pm on Fridays at the Old Rectory, Tillington.  The format and topics each week are informal and we enjoy relaxed discussions on how our Christian faith impacts on our everyday lives.  At around 6.30pm we usually go across to the Horse Guards Inn.  Everyone is very welcome.



Tennis  There are two newly refurbished hard tennis courts at the Recreation Ground on the Upperton Road.  Tillington Tennis Association has formed a tennis club with an annual membership fee, which allows members access to the courts at anytime.  A 'pay and play' system is also in operation. The club has 64 members including family memberships, and organises coaching (particularly for young people), tournaments and social tennis events. Unfortunately the latter has not been very successful this year and a volunteer is now being sought to organise social tennis for 2007.  New members are welcome. 


Cricket Tillington Cricket Club was formed in 19.. and has enjoyed solid village support ever since, not to mention several very successful seasons.  The club plays it's home matches on the Recreation Ground on Upperton Road.  This ground probably has the best views of any in the south of England.  The club is not only widely known for its friendliness, but perhaps more importantly for the quality of the teas served from the Pavilion.

New members are always welcome, particularly younger members who wish to develop their cricket skills through the club coaching scheme.

Tillington Cricket Club Fixtures 2006 (Click)



Tillington Charitable Trust.  Although this Trust was set up over 300 years ago, the objectives of the Trust remain as relevant today as they were when originally drafted.  It seeks the furtherance of education, the relief of poverty and sickness and the provision of recreation facilities within the Parish.

Over three centuries Tillington Charitable Trust has provided help to many parishioners, including books for education, food, medicines, and coal supplies.  Most recently a cheque for �500 was presented to Tillington Cricket Club for the provision of training and kit for young player and a parish resident was assisted with the purchase of text books and specialised equipment for his university course.  

The Trustees are keen to make further awards in furtherance of the Trust objectives, hence if parishioners have any suggestions please contact the Trustees via the Contact Us page. 


Women's Institute   Unfortunately our Women's Institute has gone in temporary suspension since currently no President can be found to lead this local organisation.


Scottish Country Dancing   It was suggested that we start a Scottish Country Dancing Club one evening in the Summer of 2005!! As a result the club started up in October of that year and has being going from strength to strength ever since.  There were 14 'volunteers' at the first session, but by Burn's Night the party had grown to 45!!  The emphasis is very much on having fun and enjoying ourselves.  Everyone is welcome, from beginners to self-styled 'experts'.  We try to do all the popular dances - Lightsome, Dashing White Sergeant, Duke of Perth, etc.

Our plans for 2006/7 are to a hold a dance evening on the third Wednesday of the month, beginning 18th October at 7.30 pm in Tillington Village Hall.  We aim to finish around 9.30pm and adjourn to the Horse Guards Inn.  Cost �1.50 per person per session.  excellent value.


Pilates  Classical Pilates, taught as Joseph Pilates intended, is ultimately a flowing movement system designed to challenge the body, whatever your level of ability.  Each exercise uses the trunk muscles to create a core stability and strength, with the pelvis and trunk stable, limb movements are introduced.  The student learns that movement originates from the 'powerhouse'.  Classical Pilates follows a prescribed order of low impact exercises, which balance and counter-balance one another.

The benefits that can be achieved include flattening of the abdomen, building stamina, building strength, improving flexibility,  correcting musculo-skeletal imbalances, preventing back pain, correcting poor posture,  creating a longer, leaner body, increased lung capacity and feeling energised.

Anyone can take part, regardless of age or level of fitness, as long as you have the will and desire to develop your body and mind.  Tillington Village Hall, Tuesdays with classes at 4.30pm and 5.30pm.


Tillington Garden Club The Garden Club was formed in 2005 and now has over 60 members. The main aim of the club is to promote the enjoyment of gardens and gardening.  The club meets in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday each month.  During the winter there is a varied programme of talks by professional gardeners (Gardening at Parham, Pruning, The restoration of Cowdray walled garden), and in summer a number of exciting visits to local public and private, gardens are organised.  In the summer of 2006 these visits included Wisley, Fittleworth House, Parnham Gardens, West Burton, Egdean and Great Dixter.

New members and visitors are always welcome, or if you would like to find out more about the Garden Club E-mail the Postmaster.


Art Classes (Adult Education)                                                                                                 

Each Wednesday 10.00 to 1300 beginning 13 September 2023 for 22 weeks - Painting for Experienced and Beginners - All Levels. Course Tutor Anne Angus.

Subject matter includes still life, animals, portraits and flowers.  Study of artists from mid 19th Century to present day.  No watercolours.



Flower Arranging Creative Design using Plant Material.  Tillington Village Hall

Emphasis is on garden plant material, supplemented if desired by bought flowers and imaginative use of fruit, vegetables, twigs, etc.  Traditional, modern, contemporary, European and seasonal designs will be covered this term.  Please bring flowers, foliage, container, oasis, workbox and your friends.  I look forward to seeing you and as numbers are limited please telephone as soon as possible.  Mrs Dean-Taylor, tel (01798) 865376.


Beginners Computer Class  This class is designed especially for beginners, improvers and those who believe they are frightened of computers.  All ages are very welcome and although the teaching is informal it covers a wide range of topics including switching on the computer, writing letters, sending e-mails and understanding the internet.  Computers are provided and the group meets in the village hall every Thursday morning from 10.00am to 12.30pm.  Come and try it.... you won't be disappointed.