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To mark the 60th Anniversary of theQueen�s Coronation the Parish website would like to make a lasting contribution to the celebrations. We would like you to send us your recollections of Queen Elizabeth�s Coronation Day.   Some of these stories will be printed in the parish magazine over the remainder of this year. 

Your stories need not be long (but they can be), but they should relate to our parish (Tillington, Upperton and River).  Do you remember (or do you know someone who will remember) Coronation Day on June 2nd 1953?  What were you doing when you heard the news, did you have a street party for the Coronation, what happened in Tillington, did you receive any gifts from school, what were people wearing, was it raining or sunny, did you conquer Mount Everest?  In fact it would be fantastic if you could just write down anything you remember. We would also welcome any photographs to illustrate your memories (they will be scanned and returned).

These were special times so please join in this parish social history project and let�s do it before it is too late.  The project is not only for ourselves but also for future generations to enjoy.   On with your thinking caps and out with the pen and paper!   You can either email  them to us via the 'Contact Us' button below, preferably as an attachment, or send them by post.  If you use the latter option, please use the 'Contact Us' button first for the postal address.