There are five important aspects of how TLC will function:

We will only respond to your invitation to help.  We will never intrude uninvited.
All our communications with you will be subject to very tight confidentiality.
We will only act for you with your written consent - and then only to facilitate the care you need from the right source.
Apart from transport we will not be offering the care ourselves.  We will connect you with the recognised providers.
A simple phone call to one telephone number will be all that is necessary to seek our help.

TLC has charitable status under the umbrella of the Village Hall.  Much thought has gone into the management of the group, especially to ensure confidentiality and the integrity of all the team members.

If you live in the parish of Tillington and would like to know more about TLC or make use of it�s facilities, please use the TLC contact email button below.


Tillington Local Care
Contact TLC
Not surprisingly most people simply don�t know what is often freely available  in terms of help and support - and many others would feel too nervous or embarrassed to ask.  We feel that this is particularly true of those going into or just coming out of hospital.  Do you need transport?  Do you need someone to collect your prescription, or make your next appointments with the GP or hospital?  Could you benefit from a handrail to your door, a chairlift for your stairs, a bath rail or bigger taps?  Are you entitled to a disability badge for your car?  Are there financial benefits available that would ease you financial position?   Would you simply like someone to go with you when you see the doctor or nurse at the surgery?  Do you always come out in a muddle about what they said, or did you forget to tell them something important?
Contact TLC
Did you know that we can access nearly 100 �care� organisations in West Sussex alone ranging from Alzheimers support groups, to equipment and adaptations to your home, to teenage cancer help, to independent living funds, to deaf organisations, counselling services and benefits advice.

We have some expertise with the group, but also we have forged links with other organisations to allow us to facilitate whatever help, care, or support you may need.

Tillington Local Care (TLC) is new village group to facilitate care for anyone
in need within the parish of Tillington.

With the help of a grant from Chichester Locality Adults Services, we
have set up a small group to offer assistance to anyone in the parish of
Tillington who is having difficulties in accessing appropriate health care,
special aids, welfare benefits, or any one of the very many support
services available through local community or voluntary organisations