Tillington enjoys a range of clubs and organisations to suit all tastes.  Some of these are listed below

Bellringers: The Bellringers at All Hallows, Tillington have five bells, the largest weighing six cwt (30kg)and three are dated 1572, 1622, and 1651 respectively.  The group rings for all services and also for weddings, etc, on request.  Currently we are rather short of ringers and therefore would welcome anyone who would like to learn to ring. Why not come and try this fascinating hobby with a very sociable and friendly group.  We welcome all visitors, ringers and         non-ringers, to the bell tower.
Practice is always on a Wednesday evening for about an hour from 7.45pm.


Tillington Local Care:   This group offers assistance to anyone in the parish who is having difficulties accessing appropriate health care, special aids, welfare benefits, or any one of the very many support services available through local community or voluntary organisations.  Although there is some expertise within the group, links have been forged with other organisations to allow them to facilitate whatever help, care or support that is needed.  It holds charitable status under the umbrella of the village hall and it is completely confidential.  So if you live in the parish and need any help - transport to a doctor or hospital appointment, prescription collection,  a handrail on the door, a disability badge, etc - -please contact this group.  FOR FURTHER DETAILS CLICK BUTTON BELOW TO GO TO DEDICATED TLC PAGE

Scottish Country Dancing:  It was suggested that we start a Scottish Country Dancing Club one evening in the Summer of 2005!! As a result the club started up in October of that year and has being going from strength to strength ever since.  There were 14 'volunteers' at the first session, but by Burn's Night the party had grown to 45!!  The emphasis is very much on having fun and enjoying ourselves.  Everyone is welcome, from beginners to self-styled 'experts'.  We try to do all the popular dances - Lightsome, Dashing White Sergeant, Duke of Perth, etc.
We a hold a dance evening on the third Wednesday of the month, beginning 18th October at 7.30 pm in Tillington Village Hall.  We aim to finish around 9.30pm and adjourn to the Horse Guards Inn.  Cost �1.50 per person per session.  Excellent value.

Tillington Charitable Trust:  Although this Trust was set up over 300 years ago, the objectives of the Trust remain as relevant today as they were when originally drafted.  It seeks the furtherance of education, the relief of poverty and sickness and the provision of recreation facilities within the Parish.

Over three centuries Tillington Charitable Trust has provided help to many parishioners, including books for education, food, medicines, and coal supplies.  Most recently a cheque for �500 was presented to Tillington Cricket Club for the provision of training and kit for young player and a parish resident was assisted with the purchase of text books and specialised equipment for his university course.  

The Trustees are keen to make further awards in furtherance of the Trust objectives, hence if parishioners have any suggestions please contact the Trustees via the Contact Us page.

Art Classes: Each Wednesday 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Village Hall.  Painting for Experienced and Beginners - All Levels. Subject matter includes still life, animals, portraits and flowers.  Study of artists from mid 19th Century to present day.  No watercolours.

On Fridays (10.00am - 3.00pm) there is also an art class for those with more experience.  All media, including watercolours are welcome.

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Play Club: An after school club for children from a few months to ten years old. It is open fortnightly on Mondays during term time from 4pm to 5.30pm.  It is held in the village hall where the children have space to play and mothers have time to make new friends. For a small charge a light supper is provided.  The club opened nine months ago and has been amazingly successful.  Last week (10 October 2023) twenty children enjoyed the fun and games.